Specially designed structure or consecrated space for use in worshipping.
Any building where congregations gather for prayer.
Examples for "house of prayer"
Examples for "house of prayer"
1It is in effect a house of prayer for all nations.
2We are forever returning to our primary identity as a house of prayer.
3Saying to them: It is written: My house is the house of prayer.
4He invited me to into his ogapeysu'y, a thatch roofed house of prayer.
5We are not safe, even in the house of prayer.
1I have a great deal of respect for the house of God.
2So the king and all the people dedicated the house of God.
3You are beneath the dome of heaven, in the house of God.
4For the glory of the Lord had filled the house of God.
5But these savage men had no respect for the house of God.
1In August 1859, the present house of worship on the corner of
2And the next work was the building of a house of worship.
3In January, 1904, the new house of worship at Corrente was dedicated.
4Another convenient house of worship was soon after provided by Protestant friends.
5Their house of worship, like their ceremonial, was naked, simple, and severe.
1But Mr Miyalkhel doesn't feel safe returning to his place of worship.
2Ridgeway was convinced that they were in the sacred place of worship.
3The disk contained metadata revealing his first name and place of worship.
4He then explained why he never went to any place of worship.
5Our place of worship was crowded, and many had to remain outside.
6What moral and spiritual ailments are congregated in every place of worship!
7ICE officials are not welcomed in their place of worship, Ms Sanders said.
8Both attacks occurred near a Shi'ite place of worship and an outdoor market.
9The latter was never in the habit of attending any place of worship.
10It's a place of worship for Sikhs, as well as a community centre.
11And it's from an unlikely source: the village's place of worship, the mosque.
12It said the temple attacked appeared to be a Sikh place of worship.
13The temple has been in almost continuous use as a place of worship.
14For the first time in thirteen years they entered a place of worship.
15It's a challenging job because no place of worship is identical.
16He was praying at his place of worship at the time.
Translations for place of worship